Friday, November 04, 2005

Ok, here I am drifting back to blogger . . . I'm sorry I have neglected you, really I love you too... Its just that there is LJ, 2 accounts no less, myspace, wild poetry, and the poetry circle.... I'm afraid this neglect is only going to get worse . . . You see I am starting a group for poets in the flesh, and looking for a new job. Once those things come into being I won't be able to visit as often, not that I ever visited you that often here. Well, ya know I do favor your sister account - Javaverses . . ., and then there is your brother account Super Babies ... I think I'm spread to thin ...

Anyways .. Here is what's going on right now. I had a poem featured at The Poetry Circle, I have had a few interviews for possible jobs. I have been going to open mikes more often, though not frequently by any means. I got some old friends contact information, I've made some new friends ... I've begun writing a little bit again. Ummm that seems to be about it. Damn... I'm boring.


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